

  1. The body structure is made of SUS304 stainless steel, which is strong and durable.
  2. The closed design of the machine prevents sewage from splashing.
  3. The filter cloth is fixed at designed points, and the filter belt stays in fixed position.
  4. Multiple dewatering design; large roller pressing; large processing capacity; low moisture content of sludge cake.
  5. Safe and easy to operation. Noise free and save electricity. It can be used without the need for professionals.
  6. Suitable for sludge treatment in many industries, with strong sludge dewatering capacity.
  7. Great durability, long mechanical life and easy to maintain. (Only change the oil regularly for the reducer).
1 主機無段變速馬達 12 下濾布清洗組
2 重力脫水無段變速馬達 13 重力脫水濾布清洗組
3 下濾布張力氣缸 14 上下濾布張力輪
4 上濾布張力氣缸 15 刮刀
5 重力脫水張力氣缸 16 回行輪
6 上濾布蛇行校正氣缸 17 軸臺軸承
7 重力脫水蛇行校正氣缸 18 孔狀低壓軋輪
8 渦輪減速攪拌機 19 中壓軋輪
9 平槳式攪拌葉 20 高壓軋輪
10 調理槽 21 機架
11 上濾布清洗組 22 下濾蛇行校正氣缸
項次 名稱 詳情
A 污泥調理槽 污泥與調理劑充分混合,調理均勻,節省藥劑添加量。
B 第一段重力脫水區 配合適當網目濾布,大部分污泥膠羽後的上層液(自由水),經此區動力脫水後,可去除大部分之自由水。
C 第二段重力脫水區 此區在破壞濾布下緣自由水之表面張力,使重力脫水效果更佳。
D 第三段重力脫水區 污泥翻落至上濾布,殘留之自由水完全釋出。
E 楔型預壓區 濾布漸次獲得適切之張力及剪力,使污泥承受遞增壓力,漸次脫水與穩定。
F 低中壓輪區低中壓輪區 輪面採孔狀設計,利於壓榨時迅速排水,由濾布間相對速度之搓揉剪力,使污泥重罝,去除污泥顆粒間之毛細管結合水。
G 高壓輪區 採特殊設計之滾輪排列配置,濾布張力、剪力到達最大值,再度使污泥重置,排除膠羽水,含水率降至最低狀態。
  • Specifications and dimensions are subject to change without notice.
  • Customization for special specification and requirement is available.
Model A
Roller Length
Filter Cloth Width
SB3-07 4000 3600 2300 1200 1900 800 700
SB3-10 4200 3600 2300 1500 1900 1100 1000
SB3-15 4200 3600 2300 2000 1900 1600 1500
SB3-20 4200 3600 2300 2500 1900 2100 2000
SB3-25 4200 3600 2300 3000 1900 2600 2500
SB3-30 4200 3600 2300 3500 1900 2600 3000
  • Specifications and dimensions are subject to change without notice.
  • Customization for special specification and requirement is available.
Model Concentrated
Sludge Capacity
Moisture Content
of Sludge Cake
Filter Cloth Width
Main Engine
Power Demand
Gravity Dehydration
Power Demand
Tank Agitator
Power Demand
Air Compressor Power Demand
Equipment Weight (kg) Equipment Dimensions
L*W*H (mm)
SB3-07 2~6 Under 78 700 0.75 0.25 0.25 0.75 1800 4000*1200*1900
SB3-10 4~10 Under 78 1000 1.5 0.25 0.25 1.5 3000 4200*1500*1900
SB3-15 8~18 Under 78 1500 1.5 0.25 0.25 2.2 4500 4200*2000*1900
SB3-20 12~24 Under 78 2000 2.2 0.4 0.4 2.2 6000 4200*2500*1900
SB3-25 16~30 Under 78 2500 2.2 0.4 0.4 2.2 7500 4200*3000*1900
SB3-30 20~36 Under 78 3000 2.2 0.4 0.4 2.2 9000 4200*3500*1900
  • Specifications and dimensions are subject to change without notice.
  • Customization for special specification and requirement is available.


1. The body structure is made of SUS304 stainless steel, which is strong and durable.
2. The closed design of the machine prevents sewage from splashing.
3. The filter cloth is fixed at designed points, and the filter belt stays in fixed position.
4. Multiple dewatering design; large roller pressing; large processing capacity; low moisture content of sludge cake.
5. Safe and easy to operation. Noise free and save electricity. It can be used without the need for professionals.
6. Suitable for sludge treatment in many industries, with strong sludge dewatering capacity.
7. Great durability, long mechanical life and easy to maintain. (Only change the oil regularly for the reducer).

Product Details

1 主機無段變速馬達 12 下濾布清洗組
2 重力脫水無段變速馬達 13 重力脫水濾布清洗組
3 下濾布張力氣缸 14 上下濾布張力輪
4 上濾布張力氣缸 15 刮刀
5 重力脫水張力氣缸 16 回行輪
6 上濾布蛇行校正氣缸 17 軸臺軸承
7 重力脫水蛇行校正氣缸 18 孔狀低壓軋輪
8 渦輪減速攪拌機 19 中壓軋輪
9 平槳式攪拌葉 20 高壓軋輪
10 調理槽 21 機架
11 上濾布清洗組 22 下濾蛇行校正氣缸

Dimensional Drawing

項次 名稱 詳情
A 污泥調理槽 污泥與調理劑充分混合,調理均勻,節省藥劑添加量。
B 第一段重力脫水區 配合適當網目濾布,大部分污泥膠羽後的上層液(自由水),經此區動力脫水後,可去除大部分之自由水。
C 第二段重力脫水區 此區在破壞濾布下緣自由水之表面張力,使重力脫水效果更佳。
D 第三段重力脫水區 污泥翻落至上濾布,殘留之自由水完全釋出。
E 楔型預壓區 濾布漸次獲得適切之張力及剪力,使污泥承受遞增壓力,漸次脫水與穩定。
F 低中壓輪區低中壓輪區 輪面採孔狀設計,利於壓榨時迅速排水,由濾布間相對速度之搓揉剪力,使污泥重罝,去除污泥顆粒間之毛細管結合水。
G 高壓輪區 採特殊設計之滾輪排列配置,濾布張力、剪力到達最大值,再度使污泥重置,排除膠羽水,含水率降至最低狀態。
  • Specifications and dimensions are subject to change without notice.
  • Customization for special specification and requirement is available.
Model A
Roller Length
Filter Cloth Width
SB3-07 4000 3600 2300 1200 1900 800 700
SB3-10 4200 3600 2300 1500 1900 1100 1000
SB3-15 4200 3600 2300 2000 1900 1600 1500
SB3-20 4200 3600 2300 2500 1900 2100 2000
SB3-25 4200 3600 2300 3000 1900 2600 2500
SB3-30 4200 3600 2300 3500 1900 2600 3000
  • Specifications and dimensions are subject to change without notice.
  • Customization for special specification and requirement is available.

Specification Sheet

Model Concentrated
Sludge Capacity
Moisture Content
of Sludge Cake
Filter Cloth Width
Main Engine
Power Demand
Gravity Dehydration
Power Demand
Tank Agitator
Power Demand
Air Compressor Power Demand
Equipment Weight (kg) Equipment Dimensions
L*W*H (mm)
SB3-07 2~6 78以下 700 0.75 0.25 0.25 0.75 1800 4000*1200*1900
SB3-10 4~10 78以下 1000 1.5 0.25 0.25 1.5 3000 4200*1500*1900
SB3-15 8~18 78以下 1500 1.5 0.25 0.25 2.2 4500 4200*2000*1900
SB3-20 12~24 78以下 2000 2.2 0.4 0.4 2.2 6000 4200*2500*1900
SB3-25 16~30 78以下 2500 2.2 0.4 0.4 2.2 7500 4200*3000*1900
SB3-30 20~36 78以下 3000 2.2 0.4 0.4 2.2 9000 4200*3500*1900
  • Specifications and dimensions are subject to change without notice.
  • Customization for special specification and requirement is available.

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